Sound of eyes

Seminars_Workshop for sensory and experimental
perception. (Networked communication)

Developed for project development and creativity
in the professional environmentas well as for
Privacy. If personal creativity  leads to interaction.

(transdisciplinary teaching)

sound of eyes

Lectureship _ Seminars

>  SFIVET Swiss Federal Institute for
    Vocational Education & Training, Bern, CH

HTW University of Applied Sciences Berlin, D

>  University of Art and Design Wuhan, China
>  Ecole de Louvre Paris, F
>  Ecole des Beaux-Arts Nantes, F
>  Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art, China
>  The Hunan University, Changsha, China
>  Luxun Academy of Fine Art, Shenyang, China
>  Schule für experim. Gestaltung F+F Zürich, CH

ISM Berlin  Institute of Synesthesia & Media
Voxi Bärenklau / Raoul Marek

The synaesthetic film night
Crying red _ Schreiendes Rot _ Rouge criant
with Voxi Bärenklau and Raoul Marek

2004 Museum Kunstpalast Düsseldorf, D
1999 Institut Svizzera Rom, I
1995 Volksbühne Berlin_Roter Salon, D

Synaesthetic short film and Video productions

Video productions / Video installations
Raoul Marek

2016 _ Der Klang du paysage
2014 _ Natur_Mensch_Landschaft
2011 _ flying earth
2010 _ vivre ou mourir“ galerieofmarseille
2010 _ Au milieu, Musée Stéphane Mallarmé
2010 _ Ecole de Mallarmé
2009 _ La salle du monde, DVD Edition (2 dvd’s)
2007 _ Der Weg zur Mitte, Wuhan/China
2005 _ La salle du monde Bern (Philippe Grand)
2003 _ Vogel|Hund|Mensch Video-Trilogie
2002 _ Exil, Musée Zadkine Paris,F
2000 _ pile ou face, SNB Nationalbank Zürich
1998 _ M.I.E.L– Championnat en son pays Oiron
1995 _ La salle du monde Oiron (V. Bärenklau)
1990 _ Le discours, CHA, Rennes
1988 _ Melbourne, Videowand
1985  _rosso et nero, de Fabrik, Eindhoven
